Environmental Awareness and the Use of Renewable Energy in Northern Hungary
Renewable Energy, , Environmental Awareness, , Sustainability,, Solar Energy, , HungaryAbstract
Objective: This study investigates the level of environmental awareness, sustainability practices, and the use of renewable energy sources among the population of the Gyöngyös micro-region in Northern Hungary.
Method: The research employed a stratified random sampling technique, conducting surveys across 25 settlements in the Gyöngyös micro-region. The data collection focused on understanding local knowledge of renewable energy, the use of such energy sources, and financial investments made by households in renewable technologies.
Results: The findings reveal that a significant portion of the population is aware of solar, wind, and hydro energy, while knowledge of biofuels, geothermal energy, and biomass is limited. The majority of residents (90.9%) do not use renewable energy, and those who do primarily invest in solar panels. Investments are largely financed by personal resources (58.5%), with modest monthly savings from renewable energy use, typically below HUF 25,000 (EUR 70).
Conclusions: The research highlights the need for greater promotion of renewable energy sources and environmental sustainability in Northern Hungary. Although awareness of certain renewable energy types is relatively high, actual usage remains low, indicating a potential area for policy intervention and education efforts.
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