Women's Empowerment, Rural Poverty, Economic Development, Education, Gombe StateAbstract
Objective: This study investigates the impact of women's empowerment on reducing rural poverty in Shongom Local Government Area, Gombe State, Nigeria.
Methodology: The research utilized both primary and secondary data, employing systematic sampling to select respondents across ten wards. Data collection methods included questionnaires and focus group discussions. Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s Chi-Square Test were used to analyze the data and test the hypothesis regarding the relationship between women's empowerment and poverty reduction.
Results: Findings indicate a significant relationship between women's empowerment and poverty reduction. Empowered women reported higher average annual incomes and greater capacity to support their families financially. The study also revealed that education and skills training have substantial impacts on empowering women, thereby enhancing their economic contributions.
Empowering women is crucial for reducing rural poverty, as it improves their economic status and enables them to fulfill vital family roles. Policies should focus on education, skills training, and the abolition of discriminatory cultural practices to achieve sustainable empowerment and poverty alleviation.
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