Addressing Food Insecurity and Achieving Zero Hunger by 2030
Zero Hunger, , Food Security, , Sustainable Development,, Agriculture,, Food SystemsAbstract
Objective: This paper aims to assess the progress and challenges associated with Sustainable Development Goal 2 (Zero Hunger), focusing on the eradication of hunger and malnutrition, and the implementation of resilient food systems by 2030.
Method: A review of secondary data from published literature and United Nations reports was conducted. The analysis compares global food security trends, examines the root causes of hunger, and discusses mechanisms to achieve the Zero Hunger goal.
Results: Despite global efforts, hunger and food insecurity have increased in recent years, with 690 million people affected. Key challenges include climate change, conflicts, and the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The data suggest that agricultural investments, gender equality in resource access, and social protection programs are essential for reducing hunger and achieving sustainable food systems.
Conclusions: Achieving Zero Hunger by 2030 requires concerted global efforts, particularly in developing countries. Immediate actions must be taken to strengthen food supply chains, promote agricultural productivity, and address the vulnerabilities exacerbated by recent crises. Continued focus on gender equality and climate-resilient agriculture is crucial for long-term food security.
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