The Consequences of Global Warming: Drought, Hunger, and Poverty
Global Warming, , Climate Change, , Poverty,, Hunger, , DroughtAbstract
Objective: This study aims to analyze the social and environmental impacts of global warming, focusing on its contribution to drought, hunger, and poverty. The paper explores the relationship between climate change, poverty reduction efforts, and sustainable development.
Method: A review of scientific literature and global reports was conducted, examining the causes and consequences of global warming, including increased greenhouse gas emissions and their effects on agricultural land, food security, and human livelihoods.
Results: Global warming exacerbates environmental degradation, including desertification, rising sea levels, and loss of arable land. These issues disproportionately affect poorer populations, particularly in regions such as Africa and Asia, leading to food insecurity, forced migration, and deepening poverty. Climate change has also hindered efforts to reduce poverty, as seen in the rising number of people facing hunger worldwide.
Conclusions: The study concludes that immediate action is needed to mitigate global warming and its effects on vulnerable communities. Solutions include reducing carbon emissions, enhancing renewable energy use, and implementing climate-resilient agricultural practices. Global cooperation is essential to address the social and environmental challenges posed by climate change.
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