Eco-friendly packaging, consumer behavior, environmental protection, sustainable consumption, recycling




Consumer Behaviour, , Packaging, , Eco- friendly packaging, , Environmental Protection, , Recycling.


Objective: The study aims to explore the impact of eco-friendly packaging on consumer purchasing behavior in Chandigarh. The objectives include understanding consumer preferences for eco-packaging, the motivations behind their choices, and the role of information in shaping sustainable behavior.

Methodology: A quantitative research method was employed, using an online survey with 268 valid responses from 300 distributed questionnaires. The survey consisted of various question types to gather comprehensive data on consumer attitudes and behaviors regarding eco-friendly packaging.

Results: The findings reveal that a significant majority of consumers (86%) prefer to buy products in eco-friendly packaging, primarily influenced by environmental protection and the ability to recycle. The most preferred materials were paper (75%), glass (50%), and cardboard (15%). However, high costs and lack of information were major barriers to adopting sustainable packaging practices.

Conclusions: Consumers in Chandigarh show a strong preference for eco-friendly packaging, driven by environmental concerns and the potential for recycling. To enhance sustainable behavior, it is crucial to improve consumer awareness and provide economic incentives. Marketing strategies should focus on educating consumers about the long-term benefits of eco-packaging and promoting eco-labeling.

Author Biographies

Poonam Rehal, AP Goyal Shimla University Himachal Pradesh, (ÍNDIA).

Research Scholar, AP Goyal Shimla University Himachal Pradesh

Anil Kumar Pal, AP Goyal Shimla University Himachal Pradesh, (ÍNDIA).

Dean & Associate Professor, AP Goyal Shimla University Himachal Pradesh

Rashmi Gujrati, KC School of Management and Computer Applications, PUNJAB, (ÍNDIA).

Principal (KCSMCA) Campus Director KCGI Nawanshahr.

Hayri Uygun, Tayyip Erdogan University, (Turkey).

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Rize Turkey.


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How to Cite

Rehal, P., Pal, A. K., Gujrati, R., & Uygun, H. (2023). Eco-friendly packaging, consumer behavior, environmental protection, sustainable consumption, recycling. SDGs Studies Review , 4(goals), e022.